This talk, hosted by Rosascape, is an opportunity for Benoît Maire to revisit the inquiries carried out in the first sequence of his project The Aesthetics of Differends, published by Rosascape in April 2011. In the company of Corinne Enaudeau and Bruno Bosteels he will be exploring among other things the thought of Jean-François Lyotard, but also of Lacan and Badiou, to open up new paths for reflection.

The Aesthetics of Differends (a project started in 2008) is an artist's book which documents Benoît Maire's ongoing research on the "differend", a concept he borrows from philosopher Jean-François Lyotard. The book is both an artwork in itself and a philosophical and artistic exploration of the essential questions of postmodernity and the meaning of the postconceptual work of art.
The first installment of texts and images was proposed in January 2011, a series of printed sections articulated around a first sequence entitled "Ontology of the There is".
A second installment is scheduled for April 2012. Between the two editions, Benôit Maire has been pursuing his theoretical and artistic research on the notion of "differend".


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